Answering Extended Response Questions 

  •  You will have to answer at least two extended response questions on every test for my class.
  • You will also have at least one practice question each week. 
  • Extended response questions will be graded using the four-point rubric (see bottom of this page for more information) used when scoring the Ohio Achievement and Graduation tests.
  • How to earn all of the points on your extended responses:

1.   Restate the question as your first sentence

2.   Support your answer – give 4 details – this is where you explain your first sentence

3.   End your paragraph – one sentence to conclude or wrap up your answer.

  • If you are having difficulty with answering extended response questions, please come see me, so we can work together on it!
  •  Extended response answers do NOT have to be in paragraph form, you are able to make a chart or list to fully answer the question – as long as you still do ALL of what the question is asking.
  •  Sample extended response question: What form of government do you think is the most effective? Support your choice.
  • Sample extended response answers:   

A dictatorship is the most effective form of government for several reasons.  First of all, in a dictatorship there is only one leader, so decisions are easily made.  Also, that one person is setting the laws so there is no confusion about what they are.  Finally, when one person is in charge, that person takes his/her job very seriously and is able to keep focused.  An example of a dictatorship is Miss Lockso’s classroom.  Miss Lockso is the absolute ruler of her room.  More people need to see that a dictatorship can be an effective form of government.

Most effective form of government: dictatorship
 Only one leader
 - decisions are easily made 
 - laws set by one person
 - no confusion about what laws are

       One person in charge
       - takes job seriously
       - stays focused
       Example – Ms. Lockso’s class –
                Teacher is absolute ruler 

Question of the Week 

Each week students will have to answer one practice extended response question.

The question will be worth 10 points each week:

8 pts = 4 points on the rubric

6 pts = 3 points on the rubric

4 pts = 2 points on the rubric

2 pts = 1 point on the rubric

1 pt = 0 points on the rubric

        ** Additional 2 points will come from writing conventions - using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation
             as well grade/subject appropriate vocabulary.         


*If you are absent when we complete the Question of the Week, you need to finish it at home or during study hall and turn in the following day.

·       PLEASE come ask me for help if you need it. 


1. Make sure to really READ the question carefully – ask questions if you don’t understand what it is asking you to do.

2. Don’t use “because”.

3. Don’t start a sentence with “and” or “so”.

4. READ your answer after you’ve finished writing it – to make sure it actually says what you want it to say.

5. Don’t forget your answer should be a well-developed paragraph (four or more sentences) – restate; support and give examples; wrap it up.

6. If you are not writing in paragraph form – be sure that you clearly label your work and have included all of the pieces needed to fully answer the question.

                   7.  Ask for help when you need it! 


Scoring Extended Response Questions

4-point Rubric
(As used when scoring the Ohio Achievement and Graduation Tests)

 There are basically two types of extended response questions, one asking for a certain number of responses, the other asking to show the depth of understanding of a topic.

Type 1
The rubric is based on the number of responses required in the question.

Example: Religion played a large part in the everyday lives of the people in ancient Greece.   Explain both a positive and a negative impact that religion had for the people of ancient Greece. (“2” responses required) 

4 points - Thoroughly & completely explains both

3 points - Thoroughly & completely explains one and then a partial but incomplete explanation for the other

2 points - Thoroughly & completely explains one
A partial but incomplete explanation for both

1 point - A partial but incomplete explanation for one
0 points - 
Indicates no understanding of what the question is asking 

Type 2

The rubric is based on the depth of understanding required in the question.

Example: Geography has influenced the growth of cultures throughout history.  Describe how ancient China’s development was influenced by its geography. 

4 points - Thoroughly & completely answers the question

3 points -Substantially answers the question

2 points - Partial but incomplete answer to the question 

1 point - Misunderstanding & serious misconceptions about what the question is asking

0 points - Indicates no understanding of what the question is asking 

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